Heaters / Pumps

AquaCal Heat Pumps; SMART for your BUDGET
- A heat pump uses nature’s “free heat” from the air to heat your pool water
- Electricity is only needed to transfer the heat, not create it
- It is significantly less expensive than gas or electric heating
- Use no fossil fuels
- Environmentally friendly
- Save energy by transferring free heat from the air, rather than creating heat
Pentair MasterTemp Gas Heaters/High Performance Eco-Friendly Heaters
MasterTemp® offers all the efficiency, convenience and reliability features you want in a pool heater, plus a lot more. As easy to use as your home heating system, plus user-friendly indicator lights make system operation and monitoring a snap. The compact design and super quiet operation won’t intrude on your poolside leisure time. Heavy-duty (HD) unit with cupro-nickel exchanger stands up to the harshest of applications, like low pH, high flow or heavy use.
By replacing your old pool pump, you can save over 50% of your annual energy costs equaling hundreds of dollars each year. Pool pump upgrades are installed by licensed, insured and TLC approved subcontractors. Professionals install your pump so you can have the confidence of knowing your new system is properly installed. Replacement costs are lower with the newer efficient pumps, since they last up to three times longer than your old single-speed pool pumps. Please call our store to take advantage of these great savings!
- Programmable speed settings to ensure the pump runs at optimum speed and duration
- Ultra-efficient permanent magnet motor design reduces noise and vibration for greater efficiency and longer pump life
- Totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) design and low average operating speed makes it extremely quiet
- Built in diagnostics protect the pump for longer service life
At TLC Pools, we only carry industry leading pump brands such as Jandy, Hayward, Pentair, and others and are installed by licensed and insured experts, so you can feel comfortable knowing your system is running to its optimum and efficient capabilities keeping you pool water safe and clean… Any services that are not covered under our Home Improvement License are performed by a Licensed and Insured Subcontractor.
Let us Treat Your Pool with Tender Loving Care!